The three decided to keep going because no villages or shelters were nearby. It was dark, around 7-8°C, windy, raining, and they were soaked. If they stopped, they could risk hypothermia.
Then, out of nowhere, within that desolation of mud and small bushes, a mirage appeared. A portaloo, or porta potty, materialized in front of their eyes.
"There was absolutely no reason for it to be there," said Uba. "There were no constructions nearby, no villages, absolutely nothing. But that toilet was there, in the middle of the basin. It was the only shelter for miles. So, we went in there, the three of us, and sat for the next 10 hours. That was quite an experience."
They unanimously agreed that the portaloo would serve only as a shelter or living room for the night. If someone had to do their business, he had to go outside.
"It sounds disgusting, but in these kinds of races, you need to feed your body constantly. Anytime you can. So, we're here, sitting in this toilet, eating chocolate bars and crisps. It was weird, but at that moment, when you're sitting there, wrapped in your emergency blanket, it doesn't feel like a toilet, and you forget about that."
The only thing they could do was to wait for the night to go by fast and for the ground to get dry. They tried to get going at 6 am, then again at 7 am, and every hour since then. But only at 9 am could they finally leave the toilet behind them.